Saturday 16 March 2013

Red Nose Day 2013

On Friday it was Red Nose Day! Thank you to all parents and children for supporting us and the children in raising money for this important event.

I am sorry I didn't get a picture of you all dressed up in your 80's costumes, you all looked amazing!

Our artwork this week was based on Australian Aboriginal designs, so we decided to practise this skill on cakes that were sold at playtime!

We practised our designs on paper first, and then copied the final picture onto a circle shaped piece of icing using icing pens.

I was so amazed by how carefully the children decorated their cake. I have to say, I think our cakes were the best decorated in the whole school! See if you agree!

There are the pictures of children decorating their cake.

Here are some exceptionally careful designs copied onto icing.

These are the finished products with Aboriginal artwork copied onto the buns!

Year 3 arranged a competition for KS1. The children had to see how many times they could kick the ball and keep it up in the air.

The winner was......Trey in our class! Congratulations! He hit the ball 5 times before it went on the floor.

We are so proud!

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