Before being allowed into the classroom the children lined up in alphabetical order ready to have their hands checked. If their hands were not deemed clean enough they were sent to the 'offices' (toilets) to wash them more thoroughly. The Victorian teachers couldn't abide dirty hands!
The first lesson of the day was drill. We went outside and were shown the actions for 'Here we go round the mulberry bush' and 'The Grand Old Duke of York'. These were repeated several times until they were done to the teachers' approval.
After drill the children were given their seats, although they weren't allowed to sit in them until ma'am gave them permission.
For our handwriting session we had to use chalk on black paper as we don't have chalkboards and Victorian children didn't have paper and pencil like we use nowadays. We learnt that the Victorians wrote their letters quite differently to how we do.

After playtime it was back to the Victorian lessons and this time, it was numeracy. The children recited the 2, 5 and 10 times tables until ma'am was happy that they knew them.
Notice that the children are sat with their hands behind their back. This is how Victorian children sat during their lessons, and of course they could not speak unless they were spoken to. After all, children were to be seen and not heard!!
Lunchtime. The Victorian children were given a piece of dry bread, a lump of cheese and some cold stewed tea to wash it down with.
Alex was playing the part of the poor, hungry Victorian boy grateful for his lunch very well!
After lunch we had silent reading (I have never heard the classroom so quiet) followed by observational drawing. Again, we had to use black paper and chalk and this time the children carefully drew the flower that was placed on their table. It is very hard to use chalk and not smudge it or get it all over your clothes.
What a wonderful effort the class made Mrs Wood
ReplyDeleteThank you, we were very pleased that everyone joined in and had a good time!
ReplyDeleteWell Done Year 2! You all looked fantastic! I think your teachers quite enjoyed being being Victorian teachers for the day! Mrs. Bland
ReplyDeletePs. If you ask nicely I am sure Mrs. Wood would make you cold tea every day!