Thursday 25 April 2013

TEAM - Together Everyone Achieves More!

Today we are finding out whether we achieve more by working as a team.

We are repeating our challenge from yesterday, but this time in groups of 3.

Here are some pictures of teams making the tallest tower.

The following children were working so well by collaborating.... our focus for BLP this term...
Curtis, Tyler and Trey
Kimberlite, Leigh and Ellie-Mai
Harry, Jack A and Holly
Kaitlyn, Pati and Taylor
Brandon, Jaiden and Bailey.

Here are our completed towers!

The structures that stayed standing up for 1minute were made by;

Thomas, Harley and Jack F - 21cm
Brandon, Jaiden and Bailey -72cm
Leigh, Kimberlie and Ellie-Mai - 60cm
Leo, Alex and Ryan - 57cm

This means our winners today were Brandon, Jaiden and Bailey. Well done boys!

Everyone agreed that Mrs Naylor is right, we really do achieve more when we work together!

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