20 children were chosen to visit Lincoln Castle for an exciting day!
The castle has been excavating the prison exercise yard and they have found some exciting things!
The archeologists have dug 1 metre down but have got 3 more metres to go.
The children were split into 2 groups. One activity had the chance to dig a skeleton using a trowel and a shovel.
You can see the skeleton's leg starting to show. The children had paintbrushes which they could use to carefully remove the sand.
There was another activity which involved the children digging up a rubbish hole to see what artefacts they could find.
This is what they found!
The other group of children were washing items that had been dug up from the ground. They had to use a toothbrush and carefully remove the mud by brushing downwards. They were not allowed to put the item in the water!
This is how much of the skeleton was dug up at the end!
Here are some items that have been found by archeologists.
jack had a fab time