Saturday 17 November 2012

International Week 12/11/12

This week has been International Week!
In Year 2 we decided to combine our topic this term with this special week.
Our children have been starting to learn about what it is like at the North Pole and the effects global warming have on our world.

We have decided to try to save our world and tell others about how we can stop global warming.

The children have been describing what they might see at the North Pole.

In pairs, they have used Espresso to find information about Global Warming. The children have also been on a Newsround website that gives lots of interesting facts.

Each child had to create a list with ways in which we could stop global warming.

The children also used an app called Garage Band to record their thoughts about global warming.
Download the app called RedLaser on your phone and then scan the bar-code below to hear what the children said!

We have an ice-cream parlour set up in our role-play area which is linked to our topic this term. Brandon and Ellie-Mai enjoyed playing in it!

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