Wednesday 24 April 2013

Morning Meeting Challenge

This week we are continuing our work on TEAM - together everyone achieves more!

We decided we needed to investigate whether this idea actually works.

So, Miss Rogan set the class the challenge of making the tallest tower that stands for 1 minute on it's own, using art straws!

Here are some pictures of the attempts!

These are the towers that stood on their own!
We decided to measure them using a ruler to find out which was the tallest. Here are the measurements.

Bailey 18cm
Harley 45cm
Alex 47cm
Tyler 30cm

And the winner is..... Ellie-Mai!

Her tower was 53cm tall and stood on it's own for 1 minute!

Tomorrow, we will repeat the challenge but this time we will work as a team to see if more people can make a tower that stands for 1 minute.

We will keep you posted!

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