Sunday 7 July 2013

When might matchers give and expect something in return?

We have continued looking at our work on givers, takers and matchers. This week we thought about when matchers might want something in return.

We split the children into groups and gave them a scenario to think about.

Here are the children's ideas.....

At school -

Giving a party invitation
Sharing a toy
Playing football
Giving an answer
Giving a sweet

At home -

Using a scooter
Giving a drink
Giving a sweet
Giving a football, I would expect a free kick

We have also started another new share topic.

Our share topic was...

If we had a friend that broke their leg, how would we cheer them up?

Trey - I would do a knock knock joke.
Leigh - I would make a funny face.
Kimberlie - I would them a chocolate bar.
Kaitlyn - I would give them a lolly pop.
Annie-May - I would make them a card.

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