Friday, 12 July 2013

Homework 12/7/13

Remember, you don't have to do all of these, and you can create your own homework too!

- design and make your own pirate ship.
- create a wanted poster for Captain Blackbeard that says all of the bad things he has done.
- make a list of all the items/objects around your house that are:
- make your own pirate game and write the rules
- write your own pirate song.

Have fun!!!

Change-over day.

On Monday 15th July, the children will be having a changeover day, where they will go to the class that they will be in for year 3 so that they can meet their new teacher, experience a day in the classroom and generally get the feel for life in year 3, so that they know what to expect when we return after the summer. 

The children are to be dropped off as normal to 2RW and collected from there as well.

I hope the children are looking forward to what will be an exciting day!

This week.

Well, this week has been our first week with Miss Pickering and the children have been very helpful, working hard and helping Miss Pickering to settle in wonderfully. We have started our new topic of pirates and have learned many gruesome facts about one particularly nasty pirate - Captain Blackbeard! We have practised making notes from information we have read and turning them into super sentences. 

Also, we have ended a lovely week with the exciting news that Mrs Wood has had a baby boy!!! What fabulous news - we wish the whole family lots of love from 2RW.

Sunday, 7 July 2013

End of topic castle banquet

On Friday we finished our topic on castles by holding a banquet.

We brought our arty clothes, wore our symmetrical crowns we made and listened to traditional medieval music.

Here is the class looking stunning in their crowns....

And of course we ate some food.... Not traditional castle food I have to say though!

We had a super time!

When might matchers give and expect something in return?

We have continued looking at our work on givers, takers and matchers. This week we thought about when matchers might want something in return.

We split the children into groups and gave them a scenario to think about.

Here are the children's ideas.....

At school -

Giving a party invitation
Sharing a toy
Playing football
Giving an answer
Giving a sweet

At home -

Using a scooter
Giving a drink
Giving a sweet
Giving a football, I would expect a free kick

We have also started another new share topic.

Our share topic was...

If we had a friend that broke their leg, how would we cheer them up?

Trey - I would do a knock knock joke.
Leigh - I would make a funny face.
Kimberlie - I would them a chocolate bar.
Kaitlyn - I would give them a lolly pop.
Annie-May - I would make them a card.

Thursday, 4 July 2013

Homework Menu 5/7/13

  • Create a knight complete with chain mail, a shield and a sword.
  • Make up some jokes that a jester might say for entertainment.
  • Make a snakes and ladders or bingo game that shows which numbers are odd and which are even. To make the game harder, you could go up in steps of 2,4,5,10 or 11!
  • Create a story about a character that you would find living in a castle.  
Have fun!
Mrs Wood

Friday, 28 June 2013

Our Science showcase

On Thursday our parents were invited to see what work we had been creating towards our science week.

We created a kaleidoscope...

.... and these are the finished products!

These were the results of our chromatography investigation....

These are the 2 types of sundials we made.

We had a very busy week and enjoyed learning all about light and shadows!

Homework from this week.

The challenge the children had for homework this week was to make a symmetrical crown. Here are the children modelling the ones they made.

Can you see which ones are symmetrical?

Wiktoria also made this fabulous weighing system. See how simple it is to see which item is heavier and which is lighter.

I do enjoy seeing your creative homework - please keep bringing it in!

Thursday, 27 June 2013

Homework Menu 28/6/13

Remember, you can create youown homework too!  
Mrs Wood

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Woodside Falconry Trip

Well, what a fun-filled and activity packed day we have had!!

Very excited children on the bus.

Mrs Addison was excited too!

The first animal we saw when we arrived was Polly the Parrot, though we didn't stop and talk to her.

After dropping off our lunches and a quick safety talk, we were off into the Tropical House with our tour guide.

Thomas looking at the terrapins.

The Lemurs that we met first of all were behind glass, but they were very inquisitive and came straight over to look at us.

Outside however, the Lemurs were free and very excited to see our guide who had a bucket full of food!

A trip around the park had us visiting the meerkats, giant tortoises, white wolves, ostriches and a huge collection of birds, including owls and falcons.

Here is Pati's fabulous impression of a meerkat!

Next up was the bird show - we had amazing front row seats!

You can see how close the birds got to us. They were swooping very low over our heads so it was very important that we didn't stand up.

After lunch was something that the children were VERY excited about, the reptile handling! They were very patient whilst they waited for them to be brought round and all of the children had a go at stroking or holding each animal.

We weren't allowed to hold the tarantula (which Ms Rogan was VERY happy about) but they did bring her around so we could have a good look.

Even the grown-ups had a go at handling the snakes.

Poor Mr Edwards got bullied into holding the snake, but I don't think he was very happy about it!

The final activity of the day was pig racing - we had to pick a colour and cheer on the pig!

I hope all of the children had a wonderful day and have told you all about it. A big thank you to our volunteers Miss Chapman and Mrs O'Donnell for coming with us.

All of the children have been given a leaflet with free admission for one child on it, so hopefully you can visit with them again!