Don't worry if you missed out - we still have some craft left over and you can buy one next term.
Thursday, 25 October 2012
Make a difference day 2012
Don't worry if you missed out - we still have some craft left over and you can buy one next term.
Monday, 22 October 2012
Having fun with Science
Today the children had to use the iPads to take photographs of living and non living items from around the classroom.
The children had great fun taking pictures and sorting them into 2 goups!
Friday, 19 October 2012
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Day 4 of our assembly project
Today we went into the hall and decided how to put the whole assembly together. Mrs Wood guided us by asking questions such as....
How do we decide which group goes first?
Who will prompt each group it's their turn?
Where will each person sit?
Who needs to speak first?
How can we end our assembly?
How can we make sure the audience can hear us?
I would love to show you the assembly practise photos but it will reveal all our secrets!
Find out tomorrow how it all went! Stay tuned......
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Creative homework
Holly made a beautiful flowerpot.
Annie-May designed a mini beast catcher.
Alex created some mini beasts.
Pati created a beautiful garden.
Can you tell which mini beasts Ebony made?
Annie-May made a mini beast. Can you tell which materials she used?
Pati made a fabulous picture.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Day 3 of our assembly project
Mrs Wood is getting a bit worried.... will we be ready on time??
The facts have been cut up into strips and stuck on individual cards ready to be read.
The dance and joke group have prepared a song which Mrs Ogden found. They have chosen the animals themselves and are preparing prompt cards.
Animals are being added into the rainforest pictures.
A 3D snake is being created.
Day 2 of our assembly project
These were the jobs we began collecting as a class.
Taylor had found some sounds from the rainforest. He is creating a key to help him remember the sounds he will be sharing.
Harley has found some jokes on the internet and is copying them onto strips of card.
The art team decided to paint a background. We decided to do it outside.... good job they did because some paint water got spilt!
The writing team were searching for facts on the Internet.
The making team decided to create a monkey.
Friday, 12 October 2012
Project Based Learning
Well, I decided to be brave this week...... and let the children have another go at project based learning!
The project - our class assembly on Friday 19th October.
The reason - the children need to have the chance to make mistakes, learn from them and put their own stamp on their journey in Year 2.
The benefit - our children will hopefully get better at working with others (collaboration) and will be more successful each time they have the opportunity to control their own learning.
The format of next week's lessons - each child has put themselves into a team, which together are in charge of certain aspects of the assembly preparation.
The children have created a list of jobs their team needs to complete before Friday morning.
My role as a teacher - sit back and not take charge, but instead guide during the planning, preparations and practise!
How do I feel - nervous..... the children will probably prepare a much better assembly than I could!!
I will keep you informed of their journey.........
Our music team!
Our writing team!
Our art team!
Our making team!
Our jokes and dance team!
Our art team decided to paint rainforest pictures ready to show. They got out their own resources.
Our jokes and dance team were seeing if we had any costumes to wear in the dressing up box.
The music team were searching for rainforest songs using the iPads.
Our art team drew pictures to show the different layers of the rainforest.
Please support us.... hopefully the children will remember to advertise our assembly to you this week!
Homework Menu 12/10/12
Search for mini beasts in your garden and record what you find.
Draw the 4 layers of the Rainforest and the animals that may be found there.
Write an acrostic poem about a Rainforest animal.
Make a 3D mini beast model.
Make a 3D model of the rainforest.
Happy homework!