Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Day 5 of Enterprise week

Today we have written a diary entry to remind ourselves about what we did yesterday and today.

We also attached our gift tags and hung them up ready for the fair on Wednesday!

Miss Rogan helped the children attach a red ribbon for decoration.

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Christmas Dinner

On Thursday we had our yummy Christmas dinner!

We made reindeer hats to get us in the festive spirit!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

Movember Results

We are pleased to announce that as a school, we raised £150.23!

This is such a great amount, considering we were collecting small change!

This has already been sent off and will be used to support men's cancer.

Thank you to all that donated.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Homework Menu 7/12/12

Design and make a Christmas decoration.
Write a list of equipment you might need to decorate your house with.
Make some sums up that add totals, eg: 23p+11p=.
Research traditional Christmas decorations from the past.

Happy Homework!

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Our Christmas Play

Would you like a sneak preview of one of our songs in the Christmas play?

If so, scan this QR code using an app called RedLaser and you will hear the children's singing!

Happy listening!

Day 4 of Enterprise week

Today we wrapped the ribbon around the circular template and then decorated the wreath with sequins.

The children created gift tags to go onto the wreaths.

Bells have been decorated to hang inside the wreath. We used shiny paper to cover the bells.

Here are some finished gift tags with a simple message written on them for the parents.

Day 3 of Enterprise week

Today we started making our Christmas wreaths!

We had to measure out 1 metre of green or red ribbon and wrap it round a circle template. We had lots of fun because it was all going wrong at the start! Thank goodness for Miss Rogan who came up with a cunning plan and saved the day!

Day 2 of Enterprise Week

Today we begun the first tasks in our teams.

We have designed posters to tell our parents about the Christmas fair.

Ryan made a poster on the iPad.

We also wrote letters to our parents giving them all the information that they need to know, for example the time, date and what we are selling.

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Day 1 of Enterprise Week

Today we started our Enterprise week work!

Our task this time is to make a traditional Christmas craft to sell at our Christmas fair.

Our traditional craft is..... a Christmas wreath!

We got ourselves into groups of 4 or 5 and began to make a list of all the jobs we need to complete!

Sunday, 2 December 2012

Homework Menu week 4 30/11/12

Write a letter to Lewis Pugh.
Make a list of multiplication sums that you know (use 2's, 4's, 5's and 10's).
Draw or create an igloo.
Draw a picture of your family and use speech bubbles to show what they could be saying.

Happy Homeworking!

Thursday, 29 November 2012

It's nearly the end of Movember!

If you have any spare cash, please donate it to the Movember charity. It supports men with cancer.
Last day tomorrow!

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Our topic work this week

This week we have been continuing with our Ice Age topic.

The children have been predicting what might happen to food items when they are heated and cooled.

The children looked at 4 items -

We will post the results next week!

We have been planning a trip to the North Pole and have used a spider diagram to record what we may need.
Can you think of anything else?

We have also started looking at festivals and celebrations from different religions.
Today we created our own Sukkah, which is a special hut set up outside and used by Jewish people. They remember the time when people were led through the desert by Moses to safety.

Homework Menu week 3 23/11/12

Draw or create your own Sukkah.
Research the equipment used for travelling in the snow.
Work out different ways of making totals, eg: 36p, 45p.
Investigate what happens when certain items are heated or cooled, eg: butter, eggs, juice.

Happy home working!

Music with a difference.

This week we were investigating which instruments made long and short notes.

The children recorded the sounds on an app called Garage Band and I created a QR code so you can hear too!

Can you work out if these are long or short notes?

Scan these codes using an app called RedLaser and it will take you to a link which allows you to play what was recorded.

Thursday, 22 November 2012

International Week homework

We have had lots of homework brought in on the international theme this week. Here are some flags that have been created. Can you tell which country they represent?

Pati has created a fact file about the country of Poland, which is where she is from.

Monday, 19 November 2012

Homework Menu 16/11/12

Hi everyone, sorry I didn't get this on our blog at the weekend. Here is the menu.... remember you don't have to do all options, just choose 1!

Create a list of things that we can recycle at home or at school.
Write what activities you can do at certain times of the day.
Choose a different country and write some facts about it.
Keep a diary of what you did at the weekend.
Make a flag for a different country.

Happy home working!

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Living and non-living science work

The children have been photographing items around the classroom that are living and non-living. They then sorted the pictures into the 2 groups, wrote the titles for each and their name.

Creative Homework

Last week our homework has been based on fireworks. Here are some creative examples.

International Week 12/11/12

This week has been International Week!
In Year 2 we decided to combine our topic this term with this special week.
Our children have been starting to learn about what it is like at the North Pole and the effects global warming have on our world.

We have decided to try to save our world and tell others about how we can stop global warming.

The children have been describing what they might see at the North Pole.

In pairs, they have used Espresso to find information about Global Warming. The children have also been on a Newsround website that gives lots of interesting facts.

Each child had to create a list with ways in which we could stop global warming.

The children also used an app called Garage Band to record their thoughts about global warming.
Download the app called RedLaser on your phone and then scan the bar-code below to hear what the children said!

We have an ice-cream parlour set up in our role-play area which is linked to our topic this term. Brandon and Ellie-Mai enjoyed playing in it!