Sunday, 27 January 2013

Friday's special visitor

On Friday Matthew Firth came to do a demonstration of gymnastics for us.

Key Stage One and foundation went into the hall for a treat of skills performed on the mats.

The first thing Matthew showed us was lots of forward rolls.

Then he did a hand stand and stayed there for what seemed like quite a while!

Matthew then did a row of back flips!

Teachers were asked to volunteer to lay on the mats while Matthew did a flip over them!

The sat skill Matthew showed us was a row of cartwheels.

We enjoyed watching his skills very much!

Our sports fundraising event

On Friday we had a visit from Matthew Firth, a GB gymnast.

He helped the children complete their 4 challenges to in order to raise money. The challenges lasted 1 minute each.

He then did a demonstration of his skills!

The first challenge the children completed was called 'spotty dog'.

The second activity was called leg drives. 

The third activity was press ups!

The last activity was star jumps.

If you still haven't sponsored your child, it is never too late. Matthew has asked that all money be sent into school by Thursday of this week,at the very latest.

Thank you to all parents and friends that have supported us.

Friday, 25 January 2013

Creative Homework!

The children in 2RW certainly enjoy making creative pieces of homework!

You are very talented children!

Well done everyone for collecting learning credits! These pieces are worth 20 credits!

Thursday, 24 January 2013

2RW's Homework Menu 25/1/13

Homework Menu 25/1/13

· Keep a diary of the times you do certain activities, for example, when you get up, what time you eat breakfast.
· Write a list of clues that describe a type of transport, without saying what it is. Ask someone in your family to guess what you have described.
· Research some information on the athlete Matthew Firth, who visited us on Friday.
· Think about where you might like to travel to in the world and explain the reasons why.

Enjoy collecting learning credits!

Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Reading and Phonic activities for this week

For the past 2 weeks we have been working on rhyming words. Mrs Wood has planned activities to help the children work out which words rhyme together and which do not.

This week the children have been using a mini sandpit, digging for pictures and seeing if they rhyme together.

Some children have been playing a rhyming pairs game. Two words are turned over, and if they rhyme, they are kept by the player.

Here are some of the words that were matched together.

In reading, some children have been reading questions on strips. These questions are based on the phonic phase they are working on and some words will be from the stars grid in an earlier blog post.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Pushes and pulls around our school

This afternoon the children were investigating where they could find push and pull forces around school.

They then thought about whether the force was big or small.

They then went one step further by thinking out whether any of the pushes or pulls were a tug, kick or throw.

Can you work out whether the pictures show a push or a pull?

Write it down on a piece of paper for some extra learning credits!

Reading and spelling tricky words

Would you like to help your child with their reading and spelling?

There are certain words that are tricky in our language! These are words that the children need to learn how to read and spell by sight. It takes a lot of practise, so if you would like to help your child with these words, look at the charts below.

Your child will know which phase they are working within and if they are unsure, come and see me.

Your child can practise reading and spelling the words on the correct chart with you at home.
Little and often is always best!

I have introduced these charts in my class to help the children with their spellings when they are writing.

Have fun!

2RW's Homework Menu 18/1/13

Here are some ideas to help your child collect learning credits!

· Write some words to describe the snow that you can see. Put the words into some sentences. 
· Make a 3D snowman. 
· Draw pictures of coins that can be exchanged for coins of the same value. 
· Write a list of words that rhyme with snow

Happy Homeworking!

2RW's Farmhouse Breakfast

Just a quick note to tell you what our menu is in 2RW for the farmhouse breakfast......
croissants with jam and butter
fresh orange juice
fresh fruit with yoghurt.

Please remember to send the permission slip in with your child so they can join in! More details about when it will be taking place soon!
Mrs Wood

Sunday, 20 January 2013

Friday's Sport Event

On Friday the children will be taking part in a sponsored sports event to raise money for Good Hope orphanage.

Please could you encourage the children to get sponsored by family members and then send the form in.

Please ensure that your child has their indoor and outdoor PE kit in school for Friday.

Many thanks!

Thursday, 17 January 2013

More amazing painting!

We have had even more expert paintings completed this week!

The children have taken so much care with their work, using thin paintbrushes to add the small details.

Well done to you all this week!

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Outstanding painting!

We have had more children doing such an amazing job with their painting this week! The quality is far more advanced than Mrs Wood ever imagined!
Thank you children for all the effort you have put into these pictures. I will put them on display very soon!

Brandon worked with Mrs O'Donnell and copied a picture of a fast car.

He took great care to look at the detail and transfer it onto paper.

Well done Brandon, we are so proud of you!

Our Class Charter

Each class was given the task this week of creating a class charter. We thought about what rules were important to us.

We have all signed an agreement saying that we will follow our class rules.

We have also set ourselves a target to achieve by the end of this term.

You can help us practise this rule at home too!

Monday, 14 January 2013

Our up, up and away afternoon!

This afternoon we have carried on with our topic about transport.

The yellow table have painted their transport pictures they drew last week.

The green and red table were drawing their types of transport ready for painting.