Friday, 28 September 2012

Enterprise week - day 5

Today was a very exciting day! We spent the morning getting ready for the sale in the afternoon.

The bulbs were wrapped in colourful tissue paper.

Then the compost, bulbs, pots and instructions were put in the packs.

The table was put in the corridor and the packs were put on top. Everyone helped to get ready.

Some children volunteered to answer questions about how we prepared for this challenge. They also collected the money when people bought our packs. We sold them for £2.

Homework Menu 28/9/12

· Write about the parts you enjoyed during our Enterprise week and the reasons why.

· Create a price list for your toys – draw a picture and write how much you would sell it for (you don’t really have to sell them!)

· Make a 3D stall with flower pots on.

· Do some research about the British Red Cross on the internet.

· Make a large daffodil out of any materials you can find. Remember to use the correct colours!


Thursday, 27 September 2012

Enterprise week - day 4

Today we have been making the finishing touches to the bulb packs.

The yellow table were working out a problem - if a pack of 15 pots cost £1, how much would one plant pot cost?

Children were given the chance to practise buying and selling objects by playing 2 apps on the iPad.

Compost is being measured out using scales and then put into plastic bags ready for the sale on Friday.

Paper is being decorated so that the packs can be covered and look colourful. Hopefully people will want to buy them!

Ryan is carefully designing a cover using the daffodil theme.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Enterprise week - day 3

Today we continued with the craft activities ready for our trade fair sale.

Signs with arrows on were coloured in to help people find the Year 2 stall.

Our plant pots have been decorated using lots of different colourful materials.

Each child has begun creating an ebook on the iPads. This is a book which allows us to upload photos and write a sentence underneath. It's like a diary entry for each day of the enterprise week!

We have also finished our display ready for Friday.

Year two enterprise week

Please come to our trade fair . Year two are going to be selling daffodil packs to parents. Please come to Chad Varah on Friday 28th September at 2pm.
From 2RW.

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Enterprise Visitors for Year 2

Today as part of our Enterprise week, Year2 had a visitor from the fire service. The children were taught about the importance of smoke alarms and escape plans.

Charlie and Harley acted out what they would do if their house was on fire.... they pretended they were woken up by the smoke alarm, they crawled on the floor until they reached the door, they felt the door with the back of their hand to see how hot it was, then they shouted for help!

Enterprise week - day 2

Today the children chose to complete the craft activities from our jobs list. They first had to use the iPads to research which daffodil decorations they could make. All the activities were thought of by the children.....Mrs Wood has been having a rest from planning this week!m

Bailey came up with a great idea using tissue paper! He made snow flakes with 2 colours, stuck them together and created a daffodil head!

Holly also used tissue paper to create a daffodil.

The children were given orange and yellow card to create daffodil decorations.

Daffodil posters were created so parents know what the stall is selling.

Some beautiful paintings were created today.... see how we use them in tomorrow's blog entry!

Monday, 24 September 2012

Enterprise Week - day 1

Today was a very exciting day!

The whole school started an Enterprise Week.

We had a visit from Mr Hawkins, our school business partner, who set each year group a challenge!

Year 2's challenge was to create and sell daffodil bulb packs at our school trade fair on Friday.

These are the jobs we thought of in order to get ready for our sale on Friday. To be honest we found this quite a challenge to do!

The children on this table were researching the charities our profit could go to.

These children were writing an advert to invite parents for our class blog.

These children were emailing Mrs Williams our action plan.

Some children filmed an advert for parents, inviting them to our trade fair.

Friday, 21 September 2012

Best Me Friday

Best Me Friday is where the children choose an activity that will allow them to develop new skills or practise skills already learnt.
This week Mrs Wood's activity was a music band. I am sure the whole school heard the fabulous percussion!
The children chose a song we sing in assembly and then practised following the conductor.

The children had to look at the conductor all the time so they knew when to play.

Homework Menu 21/9/12

Here is the choices for this week!

Plant some seeds and keep a diary of the changes (eg:cress).
Find out how a religious festival is celebrated.
Research which animals may be found in the Rainforest and write a list.
Draw a picture of some animals that may be found in the Rainforest.

Remember you do not need to do all of these! You can also choose your own option to earn some credits too.

Happy homework!
From Mrs Wood

Friday Fun

Here is what we have done today!

Monday, 17 September 2012

Rainforest activities

This afternoon we have been thinking about our Rainforest topic.

Rubie was playing an iPad app that lets you look for animals in the Rainforest.

Jaiden was carefully copying a Rainforest animal ready to paint.

Alex was painting his Rainforest animal with great care.

Ordering numbers

Today in Numeracy we have been ordering numbers with 2 and 3 digits.


In Numeracy we have been working out how many tens and units there are in numbers to 100 and beyond!

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Permission from parents!

Hi Parents, just to let you know Miss Rogan and I are busy collecting permission from you to put photos of your children on this blog, so it won't be too long before you can see what we have been up to since we started back at school. Watch this space!

Homework Menu 14/9/12


Write what you would like to learn about Rainforests.
Design and label your own flower.
Draw and write about a festival you have been to.
Find some photographs about a festival you have been to.
Write some addition sums that add either 5, 10 or 100,
for example 5+ 10=, 145+100=

Remember you can do as many pieces of homework as you wish. Each piece will be rewarded with learning credits according to the effort put in.
Happy Homework!

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Homework Menu 7/9/12

Apologies to parents and children - homework should be going out on a Friday, however I couldn't get it ready quick enough yesterday! I will send out the homework menu on Monday.
Here is the menu - feel free to start over the weekend!


Write 1 amazing sentence about yourself.
If you could be anything or anyone in the world, who/what would it be and why?
Draw who is in your family.
Write as many addition sums as you know.

Sunday, 2 September 2012

New school term!

Morning all children and parents of class 2RW!
Looking forward to seeing you all on Wednesday morning.
Come in through the classroom side door at the front of the school. Doors open 8.45am.
Don't forget to set your alarms!